PRACTICE MANAGEMENT (PcM) assesses objectives related to the management of architectural practice, including professional ethics, fiduciary responsibilities, and the regulations governing the practice of architecture. The division focuses on issues related to pre-contract tasks including negotiation, human resource management, and consultant development.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PjM) focuses on the management of architectural projects, including organizing principles, contract management, and consultant management. The division will focus on issues related to office standards, development of project teams, and overall project control of client, fee, and risk management.
PROGRAMMING & ANALYSIS (PA) focuses on the evaluation of project requirements, constraints, and opportunities. The division will focus on issues related to programming, site analysis, and zoning and code requirements.
PROJECT PLANNING & DESIGN (PPD) focuses on the preliminary design of sites and buildings. The division will focus on issues related to the generation or evaluation of design alternatives that synthesize environmental, cultural, behavioral, technical, and economic issues.
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & DOCUMENTATION (PDD) assesses objectives related to the integration and documentation of building systems, material selection, and material assemblies into a project. The division will focus on issues related to the development of design concepts, evaluation of materials and technologies, selection of appropriate construction techniques, and appropriate construction documentation.
CONSTRUCTION & EVALUATION (CE) assesses objectives related to construction contract administration and post-occupancy evaluation of projects. The division will focus on issues related to bidding and negotiation processes, support of the construction process, and evaluation of completed projects.